6 Steps to a Fit Mind & Body

Her Healthy Habits Blog

Articles on Self-Care, Fitness & Wellbeing

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Change: It’s a Marathon - Not a Sprint

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.

// Ellen Glasgow //


Change is not what we always envision it being. In looking...

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Competition: How It’s Only Holding You Back

This past week we hosted an amazing discussion between several female leaders in fitness on Community Over Competition in our industry.



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Managing The Juggle: Survival Tips For Remote Working Parents

Working from home while caring for babies and toddlers is a juggling act that requires solid time management skills, adaptability, and a positive...

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Maintaining Work Life Balance : True or False?

With working from home at an all-time high these days, the topic of “balance” is one I can’t ignore.


It’s been...

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How to Get Motivated to Workout & Get Work Done

Here’s what I know you want to hear…


That motivation is something you haven’t quite found yet, because you’re just...

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Health from a Place of White Privilege

As a resource for health information & trusted coach that many look to for advice, I have regularly sat from my place of privilege, assertively...

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