How to Exercise During a Pandemic

Step One: Be in a pandemic.
Step Two: Exercise.
Just kidding - kinda.
Okay - how many times have you thought about exercising during Shelter-in-Place but haven’t completely gone through with it?!
When everything shut down from the COVID-19 pandemic, it was all a little frightening & confusing. We didn’t entirely know who to listen to, what precautions to take, or where to put our energy. For some of us with more time on our hands, we went into vacation mode & took the time to relax with tasty adult beverages. Maybe started watching more TV or indulging in rich foods.
For others, our work suddenly jumped into hyperdrive & instead of more time, we had less than ever before.
Both instances present the dilemma of TIME - one in which procrastination steals productivity & commitment; the other in which you lack the time or energy to even think about working out in the first place.
Well, that was then & this is now. So what now?!
Some of us have found a healthy routine in this “new normal” kind of life. Others not so much - which camp do you feel like you’re in?
If you’re in the latter, then I’ve got some helpful tips to get you started.
How to Exercise During a Pandemic:
- Put down the phone, remote or computer screen: It’s time to get yourself out of that dizzying consumption mode. The more we pay attention to the negative news in the world, the more likely it is we’ll get sucked into paralysis. So set it down & walk away.
- Phone a friend or enlist a partner: Choose someone that you want to spend some time with that will excitedly join you for physical activity. Ask them to set a date & commit to it on both sides by blocking off your calendar, setting reminders.
- Decide on Something You Love to Do: Exercise is NOT punishment & it is NOT a people-pleasing activity. Meaning you do not perform exercise to beat yourself up over calories consumed or all the time you spent sitting. And, you do not perform physical activity to make someone else happy (i.e. look a certain way to please them). Find activity that you LOVE & enjoy doing!
- Get up & do the damn thang!
Yes, it seems simple - but life & working out really is that simple!
Need more help? See if my Zero to Fit Guide is right for you.
There are qualified professionals to figure out all the tough parts - how many sets, reps, counts, beats, moves, time, direction, etc. Don’t fret about these details, because you will be well taken care of in any class! (Well, mostly.)
Great Options for Online Classes:
- Spark Yoga SLO: Short Fitness Circuits, Full Yoga Classes, Yoga Sculpt, Barre, Pilates, Cardio, Gentle & Restorative Practices - pretty much anything you want!
- Do Barre with Me Anywhere: A 21-day barre intensive that flexes between intensive barre strengthening days & alternative stretching days. Lessons build in complexity, meeting you on your mat as you go & intensifying as you move through the program.
- DanceTutorials.TV: Dance your butt off & pay only $9.99 a month for access to these classes. Like whoa - that’s awesome.
And then use Google for any other options that tickle your fancy!
Interested in getting outside?!
Let me count the ways… hiking, biking, running, walking, swimming, paddling, surfing, skating, scootering… need I say more?
But also, lots of your local studios are doing outside socially-distanced classes too! That allows for Bootcamp, bodyweight, or yoga classes all in the great outdoors led by people who know what they’re doing.
My point is - there are a TON of options. So pick one & get started!!!
Still not sure where to start?! See if my Zero to Fit Guide can help you get moving.
But if you’re still having trouble wanting to get up or staying consistent... then maybe a little guidance can help!
You can book a complimentary consult call with me & we can get you moving in the right direction.
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